Memento Mori (Update)

I wrote a blog just after Christmas about two questions. First, how were book sales going and the second, whether I was writing a new novel? This blog replaces and updates what I previously wrote.
Book sales are still slow, but at the moment I am receiving a number of great reviews from the Online Book Club and will be posting these on my website. Do take a look to see what genuine readers from around the world think about Of All Faiths & None. Slowly but surely I am also getting more and more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. With ratings of 4.9/5 and 4.62/5 I am very pleased with what people are saying about the book. ( )
I am still giving away electronic copies of my book to anyone who wants to read it and would just ask that when they have finished, and if they like it, they put up a review on Amazon or Goodreads. If you would like a copy of Of All Faiths & None please email me at and I will be pleased to send an EPUB or PDF copy. Unfortunately I am no longer able to send paperbacks as the cost of postage from Spain is more than the cost of the book.
A draft of my second novel has now been completed, but it is unlikely to be published until 2024. So what is it about? The title of the book is called A Remembrance of Death. It is a memento mori, which means “Remember that you will die”. It is a novel that reminds us of the fragility of existence and throughout the novel the imagery for this is woven into the story via references to hourglasses, butterflies etc. The novel begins at the conclusion of the Great War (where 'Of All Faiths & None' ends) and deals with Celia Lutyens and Basil Drewe, whose lives have been devastated by the death of someone they both loved in the war. The story takes the reader on a journey about bereavement, loss and love and deals with war crimes, internment and concludes in Africa in the 1950s with the Mau Mau uprising. As with my first novel there are myths, histories and reflections of modern society.
If anyone would like to be a 'beta' reader for the new book, please contact me on the email address above. A 'beta' reader is someone who reads a draft manuscript to see whether the story hangs together and makes sense. The author can then change the manuscript if necessary before it is edited and published.